Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tonight: Korea

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The Koreas are combined for several reasons - the north is facing an endemic famine, prior to Japanese occupation the Korean Empire existed for centuries, the nations have competed together under the unification flag in the recent past, and a unified democratic Korea seems inevitable in my lifetime. Plus I have to squeeze 32 countries into 31 days.

For the purists, here is our North Korea offering:



We made bulgogi served with kim-chi bo-kum-bop.


I cut thin slices of beef tenderloin tip and marinated in garlic, soy sauce, sugar, honey, juice from an Asian pear, mirin, sesame oil, green onions, and pepper.




I marinated the meat for about 4 hours, then cooked it in oil on the stove top.



Kim-chi Bo-kum-bop

This is a fried rice with kim chi, ground beef, green onion, soy sauce, white onion, garlic, egg, salt and pepper, fried in a bit of oil.





Finished product:


Results: The bulgogi smells so good and made the house smell so good. Jessica even liked it - the first of the world cup dishes that she has liked so far. I really wish I could make the smell of this dish travel through the internet.

As for the Kim-chi Bo-kum-bop, it looked like it would be very good, but no. I don't think that kimchi, egg, sesame and rice belong in the same dish together. On a high note, I was able to find someone local that makes kimchi and it is quite good. It also exploded when I opened the jar and made a huge mess. Sigh.


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